Vivienne Westwood yra viena iš nedaugelio mados dizainerių, kuri rimtai bando kovoti su ekologinėmis problemomis. Ji stengiasi kurti ilgalaikę geros kokybės madą, kuri taptų standartu visiems, kurie jos negali įpirkti. O svarbiausia, kad ji naudojasi savo aukšto statuso privilegija - madą naudoja kaip mediumą, prakalbant apie globalines problemas. Ir ji turi mums gerus keturis patarimus, kaip žaliau gyventi.
Mažiau pirk:
“Buy less, choose well and make it last. I really do think that people should exercise choice and not just consume without thought — sucking up stuff all the time, one thing after another.”
Vaikščiok į meno galerijas:
“Go to the art galleries. The art lover is not consuming. He invests in the present world by engaging with the genius of the past. ‘You get out what you put in,’ is my motto.”
“Read. The best fashion accessory is a book.”
Pats gamink savo valgį:
“Buying and preparing your own food is to engage with the world. It gives you a sense of reality.”
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